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How thief duplicates your credit or debit card (Full Review)

The increasing of crime about credit or debit card in 2006-2007 was in the top level. Many methods they did to get your card and any confidential information. Some victims were shocked when they read their billing statement, there's many international transactions occurred or withdrawn their card internationally. Let me explain you about technology hardware what they use (inspired from BBC TV Show about this case).

Let we see how they steal your card information from ATM Machine or Retail Store.

1. They will prepare all tools that they called skimmer, msr and wireless camera.

skimmer tools (click the image for zooming)

sample skimmer on atm card slot

wireless camera in bank brochure box

camera device at the back of brochure box

2. They put the brochure box close to ATM pin pad

camera device's hung on ATM Machine

3. Victim Comes to ATM

Victim comes to ATM and the thief sit around atm at least 100 meters

4. Thiefs watch and record Victim typing pin from their laptop

thief watch victim's typing of pin from laptop while victim insert their card to atm, the data in your black strip atm has been recorded into the skimmer device

Screen shot of camera recording in laptop

5. Thiefs record all your atm data and pin to their blank cards

blank atms will be written using msr to record all your card information and pin

MSR device

MSR remove data in laptop to card

6. Stealing card information not only in ATM but also in store or retail

Camera watch your pin typing and your card info's recorded by atm sweeper device (POS terminal) and saved into server computer.

How to See User Online on Your Web

One quite important feature of this site is a list of members who are currently online. First off this only works if you use ActiveRecord to manage your sessions. To do this you must uncomment the following line in your environment.rb file:

config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store

Then create the sessions table by running the following command from your RAILS_ROOT:

rake db:sessions:create

Now, whenever a user logs in to your application add their id to the session. In my app at the moment it looks something like this:
member = Member.new( @params[ :member ] )
member = Member.find( :all, :conditions => "screen_name = '#{member.screen_name}' AND password = '#{member.password}'" )
if member != nil
session[ :member_id ] = member.id
redirect_to :action => 'success'
redirect_to :action => 'form'

Now to find all of the users who are currently online it is just a matter of searching the sessions table for all the users who have been active in the last 10 minutes. This can be done using rails built in session model. Finally the session data needs to be unmarshaled and decoded. This stumped me for a while, but finally I found the answer at http://caboo.se/doc/classes/CGI/Session/ActiveRecordStore/SqlBypass.html. So here is my code to return an array of the member_ids of all the members online and active within the last 10 minutes.

def who_is_online
@whos_online = Array.new()
onlines = CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session.find( :all, :conditions => [ 'updated_at = ?', Time.now() - 10.minutes ] )
onlines.each do |online|
id = Marshal.load( Base64.decode64( online.data ) )
@whos_online << id

Have Nice Try and Good Luck

How to Modify Error_Messages_for in Production Mode

When you make an application using ruby on rails, the models will validate input of users, if error, your view will display messages from models with followed official statement like " X errors prohibited this object from being saved ". and "There were problems with the following fields:". Now you think how to change it in your own country language. What i have done is i put the script below in appz_name/app/helpers/application_helper.rb

module ApplicationHelper

def error_messages_for(*params)
options = params.last.is_a?(Hash) ? params.pop.symbolize_keys : {}
objects = params.collect {|object_name| instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}") }.compact
count = objects.inject(0) {|sum, object| sum + object.errors.count }
unless count.zero?
html = {}
[:id, :class].each do |key|
if options.include?(key)
value = options[key]
html[key] = value unless value.blank?
html[key] = 'errorExplanation'
header_message = "Telah Terjadi Kesalahan, Harap Perhatikan Hal-Hal Berikut"
error_messages = objects.map {|object| object.errors.full_messages.map {|msg| content_tag(:li, msg) } }
content_tag(options[:header_tag] || :h2, header_message) << content_tag(:p, 'Daftar error:') << content_tag(:ul, error_messages), html ) else ''

Have Nice Try and Good Luck

How to Create number_to_currency Helper in Production Mode

You really have ever thought that "how i can change $ symbol to my country currency's symbol in production mode?", it has been happened to me. Like we have known that we can not modify Action Pack in Production Server, so the alternative is we have to make a helper to solve problem like this. And this what i do:

  1. Open appz_name/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
  2. Then write this code into it:

module ApplicationHelper

def number_to_currency(number, options = {})

options = options.stringify_keys
precision = options["precision"] || 2
unit = options["unit"] || "Rp."
separator = precision > 0 ? options["separator"] || "." : ""
delimiter = options["delimiter"] || ","

parts = number_with_precision(number, precision).split('.')
unit + number_with_delimiter(parts[0], delimiter) + separator + parts[1].to_s

In view you only write like example below:
<%= number_to_currency(@my_money_in_pocket) %>
Rp. 50.000,00

Another Alternative Without creating Helper is in View you can write like this:

<%= number_to_currency(@my_money_in_pocket, :unit => "Rp. ", :precision => 2, :separator => ",", :delimiter => ".") ) %>

Have Nice Try and Good Luck



Disc 1/2

1. Cara Dillon vs. 2Devine - Black Is The Colour (Coco & Green Remix) 4:50
2. Super8 & Tab - Helsinki Scorchin' 2:52
3. Above & Beyond - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Club Mix) 7:07
4. Boom Jinx feat. Key - Eternal Reminiscence 6:41
5. Tranquility Base - Razorfish (Above & Beyond Progressive Mix) 4:14
6. AltF4 - AltF4 6:05
7. OceanLab - Beautiful Together 4:40
8. Sunny Lax - P.U.M.A 4:11
9. Rusch & Murray - Epic (Above & Beyond Remix) 3:01
10.Daniel Kandi - Child 4:39
11.P.O.S - Remember (Summer Sun) 4:10
12.Nitrous Oxide - North Pole 5:48
13.Aalto - Rush (Super8 vs. Orkidea Remix) 4:23
14.OceanLab - Satellite (Original Above & Beyond Mix) 5:05
15.Super8 - Alba 4:23
16.Above & Beyond - Alone Tonight 7:04

Disc 2/2

1. Anjunabeats - Volume One (Anjuna Deep Mix) 7:50
2. David West feat. Andreas Hermansson - Larry Mountains 54 4:47
3. Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor - Air For Life 6:02
4. Aalto - 5 5:45
5. Maor Levi - Reflect 5:41
6. Signalrunners - Aria Epica (Bart Claessen Remix) 6:25
7. Luminary - Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger Remix) 6:21
8. Endre - Kallocain (Robert Nickson Remix) 3:44
9. OceanLab - Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten Remix) 3:58
10.Smith & Pledger - Believe (Smith & Pledger's 2004 Remix) 5:07
11.Nitromethane - Time To Die (Seraque Remix) 4:25
12.Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base - Surrender 6:28
13.OceanLab - Sky Falls Down (Armin van Buuren Remix) 4:50
14.Jono Grant vs. Mike Koglin - Circuits 3:40
15.Matt Hardwick vs. Smith & Pledger - Day One (Above & Beyond Remix) 4:46


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