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List of Websites of Useful Ruby on Rails Tutorials

  1. AJAX powered chat in 3 hours on Ruby on Rails : Tutorial on creating simple Web chatroom
  2. Ajax on Rails : at ONLamp
  3. Beginner’s Guide to Rails, part 1 : series of tutorials at GodBit
  4. Building Ruby, Rails, LightTPD, and MySQL on Tiger : at Hivelogic
  5. Create a To Do List with Ruby on Rails - Beginner’s Tutorial : at thehua
  6. Distributing Rails Applications - A Tutorial : by Erik Veenstra
  7. Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails : at IBM
  8. Four Days on Rails : Tutorial in PDF at HomeLinux
  9. Getting Your Feet Wet With Ruby on Rails : at Webmonkey
  10. Installing Ruby on Rails with Lighttpd and MySQL on Fedora Core 4 : at DigitalMediaMinute
  11. Instant Rails : preconfigured Rails software
  12. Introduction to Ruby : for Perl programmers at SixBit
  13. Introduction to Ruby for Mac OS X : at IO
  14. Learning Ruby : by Daniel Carrera
  15. Many to Many Tutorial for Rails (PDF) : at JRHicks
  16. ObjectiveView Ruby on Rails Introduction (PDF) : at Ratio
  17. Really Getting Started in Rails : at Slash7
  18. Rolling with Ruby on Rails (Part1) : at ONLamp
  19. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2 : at ONLamp
  20. Ruby on Rails : at RegDeveloper.co.uk
  21. Ruby on Rails on Oracle: A Simple Tutorial : at Oracle
  22. Ruby on Rails Screencasts : at RubyOnRails
  23. Try Ruby : Try Ruby in the browser at Hobix
  24. Tutorial : a basic tutorial at RubyOnRails
  25. Really Getting Started in Rails : Despite being written back all the way back in January 2005, Amy Hoy’s short and sweet intro still manages to be relevant
  26. Rails for Designers : by Kevin Clark
  27. Ruby QuickRef : quick reference guide.
  28. Ruby Tutorials : at Tutorialized.com
  29. Using Ruby on Rails for Dev on Mac OSX : at Apple
  30. How to Build a Ruby on Rails Engine: In-depth Start-to-Finish Tutorial : at AlterLabs

thanks to : webdeveloper.econsultant.com

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