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Anti Spam Email For Your Rails Page with Javascript

In your view : <%= js_antispam_email_link('username@domain.com') %>

Code for your helper

# Takes in an email address and (optionally) anchor text,

# its purpose is to obfuscate email addresses so spiders and

# spammers can't harvest them.

def js_antispam_email_link(email, linktext=email)

user, domain = email.split('@')

user = html_obfuscate(user)

domain = html_obfuscate(domain)

# if linktext wasn't specified, throw encoded email address builder into js document.write statement

linktext = "'+'#{user}'+'@'+'#{domain}'+'" if linktext == email

rot13_encoded_email = rot13(email) # obfuscate email address as rot13

out = "#{linktext}&lt;br/&gt;&lt;small&gt;#{user}(at)#{domain}&lt;/small&gt;\n" # js disabled browsers see this

out += "// <![CDATA[


out += " \n"

out += " string = '#{rot13_encoded_email}'.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c){ return String.fromCharCode((c = (c = c.charCodeAt(0) + 13) ? c : c - 26);});\n"

out += " document.write('#{linktext}'); \n"

out += " //\n"

out += "

// -->

// ]]>\n"

return out



# Rot13 encodes a string

def rot13(string)

string.tr "A-Za-z", "N-ZA-Mn-za-m"


# HTML encodes ASCII chars a-z, useful for obfuscating

# an email address from spiders and spammers

def html_obfuscate(string)

output_array = []

lower = %w(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)

upper = %w(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)

char_array = string.split('')

char_array.each do |char|

output = lower.index(char) + 97 if lower.include?(char)

output = upper.index(char) + 65 if upper.include?(char)

if output

output_array << "&##{output};"


output_array << char



return output_array.join


1 Response to "Anti Spam Email For Your Rails Page with Javascript"

Unknown said...

There is an art form around sending legitimate email marketing messages that I really how do you stop spam never grasped when I ran my old email marketing company. Now that I've been away from it for so long, I realize just how I disdain poorly sent emails

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